As so often happens, 2024 and our goal of 52 hikes went out with a whimper. Brian and I both got sick, the weather went to pot and we ended up at 47 or 48 qualifying hikes together for 2024. We're both not totally over the creeping crud that we've been fighting for weeks but it was definitely the first weekend in 3 or more when we both felt almost normal. We headed out to Buffalo to visit the Science Museum early in the morning. To be honest, the history museum was pretty disappointing. I'm glad it was a 'museums on us' weekend from Bank of America because if we each paid 19 dollars to get into that glorified McDonald's PlayLand, I'd have been really bitter. There were just so many kids, many toddler age or younger and very little for an adult to really dig into. Buffalo HAS a Children's museum, why does the science museum have to be basically a children's museum too? After the museum I semi randomly drove around looking for a place that might...