Spring 2022 trip - Day 11, Tuesday May 3rd - Eureka Springs (AR) - 1 hike with 1000 foot elevation gain over 8.5 miles

Our day was dominated by the hike we did on the Pigeon Roost trail in Hobbs State Park.  This trail works it's way in and out of ravines above a lake.  There were some little streams, a lot of good tranquil lake overlooks and lots of flowering trees and small trail side wildflowers.  Most remarkable to me was that despite a storm the night before, this trail wasn't wet, muddy or torn up at all.  In fact the entire 8.5 miles is in extremely fine shape with no obstacles to speak of.  The grading of the trail is so consistent and gentle that it went by pretty quickly and the 1000 feet elevation gain wasn't a trudge at all.


After the hike we went into Rogers AR for a Red Robin early dinner which was great.  We then returned to Eureka Springs, had some quiet time at the hotel then wandered downtown a bit and made a brief appearance at Missy's White Rabbit lounge.  Finally I grabbed a piece of cheesecake on the way back to the hotel.


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