Friday/Saturday March 13/14, 2020 - Victor NY to Charlotte NC

Despite the painfully hard to ignore coronavirus situation, we decided to not disrupt our long scheduled and once delayed already road trip.  Originally we were going to have a mini road trip in Texas as we attended a family wedding but the amount of road trip we could really accomplish would have been very minimal on that trip so we decided to defer until Spring.

We worked half days on Friday and then got in the car around 1 pm.  The first night's goal was Richmond VA.  The drive down was mostly relaxing, especially NY-64 and other very quiet state roads we took through NY.  Through PA we took US-15 all the way through the state but the first 60 miles of US-15 in PA are 'future I-99' and even the rest of US-15 in PA is pretty well improved, especially south of Harrisburg so there wasn't as much 45 MPH dawdling as one might think.  Maryland also treats US-15 as a near freeway.  Unfortunately, Virginia does not and it became very slow and tedious.  We'd also been driving 5 or 6 hours by then.  So my resolve to avoid I-95 melted and we worked our way over to expeditious but exasperating I-95 somewhere south of DC.  The rest of the roads we'd been on that day were very quiet but I-95 resists all plagues and disasters and is a never ending fountain of irritatingly bad driving humanity at all hours.  Despite raising my blood pressure, actual speeds on I-95 were quite good and we were in Richmond after maybe 90 minutes of getting on it.

The airport Best Western hotel in Richmond was attractive and modern.  Saturday morning we headed out hoping for a bagel. Richmond isn't a big bagel city it seems but they do have one highly rated place, Nate's Bagels. Unfortunately they wren't allowing people to eat in and only allowing a few customers in the doors at a time so there was a line and no place to eat.  Luckily, on the way to park near Nate's I had spotted 'Fancy Biscuits' which looked very appealing and other than handing out alcohol wipes, Fancy Biscuits wasn't on lock down. It didn't disappoint.

Sriracha Hollandaise biscuit with bacon
Surprisingly, the rest of the drive to Charlotte was fine.  In fact, the 100 miles or whatever we did on I-85 were utter bliss with the cruise set at 80 almost the whole way.  I got a haircut in Durham NC and then a light lunch of BBQ and beans someplace along the back roads between Durham and Charlotte.

When we arrived to visit with Brian's family we walked around their sub division and had dinner at their house before heading off to our hotel.

As expected, the first day (maybe 2) of the road-trip were going to be challenging just because of the number of miles and inherent time pressures involved.


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