2018 - Hike 28 - September 2 - Stokes State Forest - Montague, NJ

Appalachian Trail to Sunrise Mountain Pavilion
Posted by Chris 9/2/18

Length - Over 7 miles
Elevation gain - Estimated at 500 feet delivered in many small ups and downs
Nearest city - Montague isn't very far from the trail head and High Point State Park was very nearby
Difficulty - Moderate

The Day:
We headed out about 9 am and arrived at the trail head by 10.  The guide we used had GPS coordinates for the starting point which is very helpful.

The trail:
This section of the AT was very enjoyable. Other than the road where we parked there were no road crossings and we didn't spot a single speck of litter or hear any intrusions from civilization which was great.  Though the trail guide said there wasn't much elevation change, there were actually a lot of ups and downs even if none of them were very long.  It was a little humid and warm but we still enjoyed the hike immensely.  On the way home I tried following CR-519 home all the way. It's an odd route that, while scenic, feels more like a handful of remnants of other roads than a particularly logical route itself despite that it goes from near our home to very near the trail head in Sussex county.

Pics from both of us:


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