Spring 2022 trip - Days 6 and 7, Thursday and Friday April 28th and 29th - Kansas City (MO) to Manhattan (KS) - 3 hikes totalling 8.6 miles
Thursday We headed out from our hotel and visited the Harry S Truman Library and museum. It came recommended from Dan and David and is the kind of thing I like to do but hadn't planned on doing this trip. The museum is fantastic and seems to be just coming off a very successful remodel. There were a lot of interesting exhibits and they had the best interactive touch screen exhibits I've ever seen. We didn't spend too much time there because we had a drive to do and I already know a fair bit about Truman but it is undoubtedly one of the best museums of that type. The drive to Manhattan went by relatively quickly other than that the museum had taken us 10 miles further east of Kansas City. I meandered around the southern side of KC suburbia until we got into Kansas and then suburbia died out pretty quickly and higher speed driving set in. The rest of the trip was quite speedy thanks to Kansas's generous speed limits. We arriv...