September 7, 2019 group hike - Near Daien Lake State Park NY - 10 miles
Brian had a work function to attend and I wanted to stay out of trouble so I decided to try joining Foothills Trail Club on a nice long walk on a beautiful Saturday. I learned a lot on the hike. The trail club doesn't just lead hikes, they also maintain a very long corridor of their own trails from Canada to Pennsylvania. Their trail is affiliated with the Finger Lakes trails but FLT has its own trail conference so I'm not sure how the two exactly relate. So the hike was a one way hike with a shuttle along the clubs own trail. Despite starting in a little trail head lot that directly abutted Darien Lakes state park just off US-20, the hike was entirely NOT in the park and went to the other side of US-20 right away and stayed south of it the whole time. The trail passed through mostly privately owned lands on negotiated easements. Much of the mileage was along the edges of corn fields and little areas of trees in between the farm plots. There were...